Saturday, July 11, 2009

6-1-09 Official start of our sabbatical year

June - Our sabbatical started officially on June 1st. Mike still had two 24 hour shifts at the little hospital in Del Norte Co. His last official patient was a patient with a stabbing to the chest. Why he was brought to this little hospital instead of the larger one equidistant away is still a puzzle to him. The patient did well with a chest tube and some blood.
Patty worked nonstop on cleaning and packing the house. We all then went to Maryland to visit the Paterson clan for a week and then to Michigan for the Anaya clan and some friends. While in Md. we all visited the capital and the White House. We chatted with congressman Salazar and watched a brief debate on the house floor. The White House was an abbreviated tour, apparently Barak didn't know Mike was there.
Will post some pictures soon.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to start seeing your pictures. I'll be in touch regarding all the other stuff we talked about yesterday - APZ
